How to introduce a new skincare product to your routine, according to dermatologists

How to introduce a new skincare product to your routine, according to dermatologists

Just like most things, everything within the beauty world is constantly evolving. And amidst this constant state of change, new products are constantly being introduced to the public. This can make for tricky introductions when it comes to adding a new product to your daily skincare routine. But thankfully, dermatologists everywhere have offered up some pretty useful information that is sure to save your skin and your money! 

I know how irresistible the promise of perfect, porcelain skin can be when you‘re staring down your nose at some heavily airbrushed, vibrant, young creature with a jar of what promises to be the next biggest breakthrough in skincare. The staging is perfect, the wording so convincing, and the only thing standing between you and eternal beauty is four seemingly manageable payments of $130. 

​But before you hand your skin’s fate over to chance and go blowing that $520 on a product you have heard nothing but rave reviews about from beauty influencers on YouTube and Instagram, dermatologists want you to remember that this is not the case for everyone. In fact, for some people, the product you so desperately desire, could end up overwhelming your skin entirely. 

What else do the experts say?

According to medical opinion, the reason we should exercise some restraint when thinking about adding anything new to our daily regiment, is because it is possible that the ingredients in what you are about to buy, are more active and effective than anything you may have used previously, as is the case with many new products when they are put on the market.  

​One of the biggest selling points for many of these products is the fact that they are formulated with ingredients that are more active, and more effective, than ever. But since they ingredients are more potent than ever; this means that the risk of irritation is higher should the new miracle cream be overused, or used in combinations that are not right for your skin type.

Okay, you have been warned about what can happen if you are a little too hasty jumping into bed with that new fad cream, now here are four dermatologist-approved tips on how to properly work that new product into your routine, and how to determine whether it is right for you whilst doing so. 

Four dermatologist-approved tips on how to PROPERLY work a product into your routine. 

Only make gradual changes to your routine, and try one product at a time 

Though buying an entire skincare system and trying it all at one time can feel like it is the best thing ever to do for yourself, it is not. It is important that you gradually introduce new products to your daily skincare routine 

We take things one day at a time, one step at a time, and professionals say that is often the best approach when it comes to testing new products out on your skinIf you flood your skin with too many ingredients at one time, you could cause irritation or breakouts without knowing which products were working for your skin and which were the irritants.  

Moreover, combining certain ingredients can also worsen irritation to the skin depending on your specific allergies or sensitivities. 

Always try a patch test before using a product on your entire face 

So, with the patch test, after you apply the product, if that area begins to burn or becomes itchy or flaky after 24 hours, this could be a giant red flag letting you know that you need to make an appointment to speak with a dermatologist before you use that product anymore.  

Sure, some products out there, retinoids being one of them, can cause some mild irritation when you first start using them. Still, while that may be true, when it comes to your face, your safest bet is always going to be to consult with a professional just to err on the side of caution.

Even if you know your skin is not typically the most sensitive, a smart move would still be to always check for allergies. An extra word of caution to any of you saying to yourself right now “Oh, well I’m not allergic to anything, so I am good.” Guess again, friend. New You City dermatologist Dr. Howard Sobel, founder of Park Avenue Skin and Spa, told Glamour “people develop allergies throughout all stages of their lives.”  

Food for thought. 

Always be persistent and consistent with using the product  

Many of usmyself included, can get so caught up in our results driven world that we become all about that instant gratification. The quick fix to all of our most troublesome problems. I suppose that in my case, I tend to not always be the most patient person to begin withMuch like little Ms. Veruca Salt in Willie Wonka & the Chocolate FactoryI want results and I want them now! Don’t sit there pretending like you can’t relate!  
But no skincare product is magic, and because of such, results are never overnight. In fact, doctors recommend using your new product for at least one full month before you even begin to think about reassessing the amount of it you are using on yourself each day.  

Including that first introductory month, on average, it takes anywhere from 3 to 4 months to evaluate whether a skincare change is even improving the overall quality of your appearance, or if you are just wasting your money on packaged lies. Consider the fact that it takes the top layer of our skin a full month just to turn over, and then remember that it takes three to four cycles of this turnover to give your new product time enough to demonstrate a qualitative change in your skin. 

You are going to want to make sure that you are using the product once or twice a day depending on what the instructions on the packaging have states, and do so, again, for at least a month before judging if this, in fact, is the right product for you. And like with anything else, skipping night and or weeks can impact its benefits and your overall results. 

Pay attention to how the product makes you feel 

This next part may seem like its common sense, but in an era where kids are daring one another to bite down on laundry detergent packets, and college students are pouring shots of vodka into their eyes to get a buzz going, never assume anything. Moving on! 

​It is important to pay attention to how the product makes you feel. Over time, what is it doing to the areas you are applying it to? 

If your skin starts to get dry, red, or flaky, and its condition only continues to get worse over a three-week period, this could be that big red flag we talked about earlier when we were discussing the importance of patch testing. These things are a clear indication that it might be time to seek out the advice of a medical trained and licensed skincare professional to determine whether continued use of a product is in your best interest or not. 

Additionally, there could be other subtle changes in your skin‘s condition as well. The texture has become slightly rougher than usual over the course of a few weeks. Or you have noticed tiny little red bumps beginning to form on or around the areas where you have been using the product. Even dullness could be a sign that your skin has not achieved the optimal level of hydration necessary for desquamating, which is just a big fancy word for when that top layer turns over like we also discussed earlier. And though they may not be causing you any great distress now, these warning signs should never be ignored, as they too can be early warning signs that you need to stop using the product and consult with a professional before proceeding with further applications. 

On the other side of things, if your new product is doing its job and all is going well, your skin should feel moisturized and balanced. When your skin is happy, it holds moisture and exfoliates all on its own, feels soft to the touch, and reflects light well.   

What it all really boils down to in the end is that you must do what works for you. Try not to do too many things at one time and always talk with your dermatologist so they know what is going on with you and can help when needed. 
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